wr-info.net Website Update

Weapon Viewer System

List of all weapons in war wock: https://wr-info.net/weapons/

Weapon example: https://wr-info.net/weapons/D5_SCORPION_D_8TH/

Every weapon information explained in detail, just click on the "?" icon to get more information.

Big thanks to Dragonforce for his work on getting the item and damage data for all the items and Quantum for doing the statistical analysis.

Login / Registration

Login and registration via facebook and google is now possible.

Server Status

-> General – Online now – 1h-average and all time peak

-> Overall Uptime shows nows 24h, 7 days, 14 days, 30 days and 90 days

-> Overall Respone Time (Server location for testing: Dallas-USA. Soon, we’ll be adding monitoring location based on server location which will give more accurate respond times)

What next?

Chat/Shoutbox later today.
Screenshot / Upload System
Item Viewer System
Character Viewer System
Ranking? Maybe…soon…

If you find any bugs or have suggestions for the new stuff we have added please let us know.